In life, we make decisions, hard as they are, results are sweeter.
Some make us believe, some fills us with delusions..
A poem by me, describes the feelings and struggles, and finally the freedom from pains, where one can carry on with their heart's content.
Beyond the limits of the sky,
I witness the soul of happiness fly,
Beneath the covering of the earth,
I feel the despair overcome with mirth.
Spectating the winds flowing,
There is something I feel unknowing,
I measure the depthness of my soul,
It reflects the face, I see at the shoal.
I step ahead to match the grace,
Trembling legs, along the distorted face,
The harshness seems to glow,
But the water of freedom, is ready to flow.
I find no reason to bind myself,
Whether it is for joy, or the greed of pelf,
I know not where I am heading,
And soon the pathways of my life fading.
Call it lies, or the agony of assuage..
I am ready to depart and leave the cage,
The applause of surroundings,
Bless me with thoughts pounding.
I look above, a one more time,
I look inside, a one more time,
I feel perplexed seldom,
But I am ready to leave, and head to freedom.
Tanishq Sharma